Wholesale skin care acne

« ...Fortunately, baby acne tends to go away by itself, usually in just a few days. For some babies, the condition may last a bit longer, up to several weeks or more. Usually, baby acne will not show up until the baby is a few weeks old....
...Your body's natural reaction to all this is to remove the chemicals and regain it's "natural balance". In some people, the body will emulsify the chemicals in fat and store them (Have you seen very many fat people with acne?). Those of us with acne have bodies that use a different method....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...Mix vinegar and salt to make a paste. Apply to the affected area and leave on for approximately half an hour. Wash with warm water followed by cool water to close the pores. Make a paste of cinnamon and honey. This mixture you can leave on overnight then wash off with warm water in the morning followed by cool water....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

tags: acne prone skin, acne treatment reviews, clinique acne products