Vitamin a food good for acne

« ...As defined above, there are numerous options of natural and home remedies for those suffering from acne. Many individuals as looking for cost effective products that are reliable and that do not contain potentially dangerous chemicals. It is important to note that many over-the-counter acne treatment products have poor reviews. As a matter of fact, some products in reality cause users more problems with rashes and acne than before? Ultimately you are the one that has to decide which products are best for you, but it is important to remember that there are many options available....
...Pores are actually normal and essential. But some people hate them. If the skin is not being cared for appropriately and regularly, the pores of the skin will eventually become enlarged. And you surely do not want this to happen because larger pores can trap more dirt and have it clogged, causing the outbreaks of unsightly acne. There are numerous ways to cleanse, refine or minimize pores. Here are some of them:...»
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«...If your acne is deeper and more persistent, a treatment needs to be designed to effectively reduce the production of sebum. This is the oil that is believed to be responsible for most acne conditions. This treatment approach would be an effective way of preventing the acne from getting worse and possibly even stopping it altogether. One prescription for achieving this is called isotretinoin (e.g. Accutane), a Vitamin A based treatment. It will only be prescribed by a doctor if the acne is severe and persistent, and is not suitable for anybody with liver problems....»
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