Top acne products for teens

« ...They may require some proper advice from medical experts (dermatologists) and proper medication is also required at times. This is because the severe Acnes will be inflammatory and leave scars which can be permanent. Natural and home treatments for Acne can be termed as best by some people and some can be the advocates of costly and commercial medicines. In short it is difficult to say which one is the best acne treatment. Let us have a look at some of the natural Acne cures. Remember, a proper food habit is also required to eliminate and avoid acne....
...So, why do people with the same condition respond differently to the same treatment? Well, a probable reason is this. Even though both people may have the same condition, the causes that lead to the same condition may be different. That is why it is important to find out what is the cause of your acne....»
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«...At puberty, the hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands into generating more sebum, an oily substance that waterproofs and protects the skin and hair. However, sebum is also involved in the formation of acne, although the exact mechanism is not understood. It is believed that the pores become clogged with sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells, and that bacterial attack of this oily mass causes it to become infected. Your immune system reacts to the bacteria, and the pus is formed by dead white blood cells that succumbed during the fight with the bacteria. The immune system's inflammatory response causes the redness and inflammation....»
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