The top 20 acne medications

« ...Acne is a very unique condition of the skin wherein dirt, oil and bacteria get trapped in hair follicles or pores and a thin layer of skin or a skin cell forms over it so that it can't get washed away. This then grows into what we call a pimple. Because pimples are usually red and the area around these breakouts is typically also red, itchy, and inflamed, it's easy to see how it can be confused with rosacea and vice versa. But it's important to understand that rosacea is not acne because it is not a collection of dirt, oil and bacteria. Instead, rosacea is a condition wherein the skin becomes red, irritated and inflamed. It can also be somewhat dry and scaly. A person can have small bumps with this condition, but these pustules are not the same as acne. As a matter of fact, using acne medication on rosacea can actually make the condition worse, since most topical treatment options for acne are very drying and contain harsh ingredient such as peroxide and alcohol. Imagine adding any of these to an open wound or scrape you have on your skin - obviously this would just make it feel much worse!...
...Many acne treatments can damage your skin. They can leave your skin dry and scaly. Some can even make your face red and blotchy, raw from the chemicals that are used in these products. If you suffer from acne it may seem like you have no choice but to use these products and live with the results. Fortunately there are many natural cures that can effectively treat acne without these nasty side effects....»
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«...At a time when youngsters are at their most vulnerable--during the teenage years, the scourge of acne hits to further erode their ability to form the social attachments that are so important for future emotional health and well-being. It is for this reason that any effective treatment for acne and prevention of further pimple breakouts should include recognition of the psychological component of acne treatment. By treating the visible lesions caused by acne and working on the negative self image that is common with those who have acne, the acne sufferer has the opportunity to improve his or her self esteem. ...»
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tags: successful treatment for severe adult acne, top over the counter medication for acne, acne and pimples remedy