Can you combine an acne lotion with a regular moisturizer

« ...Antibiotic treatments can be effective, particularly when used in conjunction with skin-shedding applications such as benzoyl peroxide or retinol. However, most topical treatments will show few benefits for at least six months. So you are looking at long-term treatments rather than the quick fix. In fact there really are no quick fixes for acne, although laser treatment can produce rapid results in serious cases....
...It's a disadvantage to sun bathers or people always exposing themselves to the sun because they'll be treating sunburns with sunburn products when in fact they could also be suffering from acne rosacea....»
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«...However, if those side effects are not present but your acne is not going away either, it may mean that a higher dosage is needed. If you have any doubts, the best option is to consult a qualified medical professional....»
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