Body lotion with milk and honey, scars from acne

« ...Selecting Regimens for Inflammatory AcneDr Millikan's first line of therapy for mild inflammatory acne is a combination of benzoyl peroxide and adapalene.For grade 2 acne, he might use adapalene with a benzoyl peroxide topical antibiotic combination.Patients with grade 3 or 4 acne will probably do well on adapalene combined with an oral antibiotic.Those whose acne is severe enough may need to be upgraded to a course of oral isotretinoin, followed by a maintenance regimen of adapalene....
...Although steaming session needs no special expertise, one should be careful in certain aspects like- using it not more than twice in a week, as excess steam can lead to drying of pores, due to loss of moisture. This will lead to excess oil production, which will lead to acne again. One should not take too intense steam, as it can burn the skin. Similarly people who are asthmatic and people with breathing problems should be careful of additional ingredients like turmeric and others....»
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«...Steaming can be personalized according to one's needs. One can use turmeric, which is an anti-bacterial agent to ward of bacteria, by using just few pinches of it in the water used for steam. It also gives a golden look on face, perfect for an outing. ...»
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tags: clearasil ultra acne clearing gel wash, acne acid salicylic, is sulfur safe to use on acne